Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Mercredi 26/02

Today we reviewed aller + infinitive by talking about our Spring Break plans and making fortune tellers.  We also learned how to use “depuis”.

Handouts/Class Materials:  fortune teller

A Faire:  pg 70 #9

TEC:  Make a fortune teller and write 8 “fortunes” inside using aller + infinitive (tu vas…)

Devoirs :  Leçon 4 packet #4, #5A, study/know meanings of regular verbs, know big 4 verbs (Quiz on Friday!!)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Lundi 24/02

Today we reviewed aller, practiced some place vocabulary, and played un petit jeu making sentences with être/avoir/aller.

A Faire:  Write where each person in the (aller/places) PowerPoint is going…

DevoirsWrite 5 sentences saying what you are going to do during “les vacances de printemps”, take notes pg 96, pg 97 #1 complete sentences, study/know meanings of regular verbs, know big 4 verbs (Quiz on Friday!!)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Vendredi 21/02

Today we practiced aller + infinitive and then did a culture lesson on France and the culture of protest.

A Faire:  Take notes over PowerPoint, make sure to note the underlined terms!

Devoirs :  Study/know meanings of regular verbs, know big 4 verbs, 1 page reflection on PowerPoint (see last slide), Leçon 4 packet #1

Verb/vocab quiz next Friday!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mercredi 19/02

Today we reviewed aller and aller + infinitive.

A Faire:  Aller handout #3 (write questions and your answers)

Handouts/Class Materials:  Aller Handout, Places and prepositions PowerPoint (7th)

Devoirs :  Aller handout #1 (say each person is not going to class, then where they are going) & #2 (say where going and what each person is going to visit there)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Vendredi 14/02

Today we reviewed some faire expressions and être/avoir in the imperative, learned about the verb aller (see pg 66), and some Valentine vocabulary.

Handouts/Class Materials:  St. Valentin vocab/crossword, Adj. packet #2

A Faire:  Adjective packet (old) #2 (first activity pg.1)

TEC: pg 67 #4 (form of aller + “aller chercher” + item) Soyez logique!!, Valentine crossword

Devoirs :  pg 67 #1 & #3

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Mercredi 12/02

Today we continued practicing the imperative and learned 2 new exceptions.

A Faire:  pg 25 #14 (write one for each bullet point and pay close attention to who you’re talking to!!)

TECtranslate this advice/these orders into French… (may need to use avoir/faire expressions!)
      Dont be scared! (copain)
      Be smart (la classe)
      Pay attention (la classe)
      Do the dishes (sœur)
      Let’s not be wrong!
      Let’s do our homework!

Devoirs : 
7th- pg 59 #7 (answer all questions in complete sentences)
8th-- 10 sentence paragraph about TA to TURN IN !  (check spelling, verb conjugations, punctuation, vocab before turning in!  For an A, you must exceed the minimum requirements, quality/number of sentences.) 

Redemption verb quiz coming, study verbs!!!…Everyone will take it again and I’ll keep the best of the 2 scores!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mercredi 05/02

Today we continued practicing the verb faire and began the imperative. PowerPoint ici!

A Faire:  write the 3 imperative forms (affirmative) of the verbs: manger, finir and attendre (see PowerPoint)

Devoirs : 
7th-- 10 sentence paragraph about TA to TURN IN !  (check spelling, verb conjugations, punctuation, vocab before turning in!  For an A, you must exceed the minimum requirements, quality/number of sentences.)  Also 3 imperative forms of verbs on powerpoint (see A Faire!)
8th-- pg 59 #7 (answer all questions in complete sentences)

Redemption verb quiz Monday…everyone will take it again and I’ll keep the best of the 2 scores!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Lundi 03/02

Today we practiced some faire expressions, and started a mini-project called “Qui est notre assistant(e)?”

A Faire:  Qui est notre assistant(e)? (see handout!)

Handouts/Class Materials: Qui est notre assistant(e)?

Devoirs:  pg 59 #6 (answers only), study verbs (quiz coming soon !), make sure you have your famous person riddle in class and be ready to share it!!