Thursday, February 26, 2015

Jeudi 26/02

Today did a kinesthetic activity where we attached movements to our verb conjugations.  Then we learned the imperative (l’impératif).

A FaireHandout limpératif #1write the command youd give your friend after he/she asked you the questions given.  Use tu form of verbs!  Do orally in partners!

DevoirsHandout limpératif #2 (vous form, 2 suggestions for each ! Soyez logiquesome affirmative/some negative),  Back of handout limpératif (choose which verb fits the meaning of the sentence and conjugate it appropriately.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Mardi 24/02

Today we continued practicing venir de + place and venir de + infinitive.  We also learned how to use depuis to express for how long weve done things.

Handouts PowerPoint:Venir de

A Faire:  PowerPoint: write 2 sentences for each slide using venir de + place and venir de + infinitive for the images/subjects given.

TEC:  pg 70 #9 (put together the sentences with a conjugation of the verb given and depuis), pg 71 #3 (sondage en classe)

Devoirs :  Finish Lecon 4 packet#3 (soyez logique, use « Venir de + infinitive »), #4 (make up a logical amount of time for each and use « depuis »…the 3rd pic is of people waiting at a bus stop)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Lundi 23/02

Today we practiced our new verbs venir/revenir/devenir and learned about the expressions venir de + place and venir de + infinitive.

A Faire :  pg 69 #7 (say what the people had just donemultiple possibilities!)

Devoirs : pg 69 #6 (2 sentences for each person: was just doing—using “venir de” + activity from column B, then going to do (now)—using “aller” + activity from column C, conjugate venir and aller and make sure your activities make sense in the order you put them..won’t have just had dinner then going to prepare it!)  Redemption quiz coming…study all verbs!!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Jeudi 19/02

Today we continued to practice le future immédiat (aller + infinitive) and corrected quizzes.

A Faire:  Aller handout #4 (in partners, write as many sentence sets as possible, each set must have 3 sentences with the 3 verbs, TURN IN!)

Devoirs :  leçon 4 packet #2 (say who is coming/not coming based on the sentence given for context), pg 71 #4 (write a 5 sentence paragraph detailing what you are “going to do” this weekend), Redemption quiz coming…study all verbs!!  PRACTICE!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Mardi 17/02

Today we finished looking at the Carnaval/Mardi Gras PowerPoint, learned how to make crepes with another PowerPoint and then we celebrated Mardi Gras with a fête de crêpes!

A Faire:  Take notes over PowerPoint vocab and content

Devoirsfête de crêpes crossword, Mardi Gras/Carnaval word scramble/vocab, Paquet leçon 4 #5 (« weekend », complete sentences !)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Jeudi 12/02

Today we continued to practice prepositions that allow us to talk about being in/going to different countries. We learned the expression “aller chercher”, and began to learn about the history of Mardi Gras and Carnaval.

A FaireWrite a sentence for each of the subjects and countries, using the verb given.  Make sure to use the appropriate preposition!  Cliquez ici/Click here for PowerPoint.

TEC pg 67 #4 (use the expression “aller chercher” to say what the people are going to go get based on the context given and the choices in the box.  Soyez logique!)

DevoirsPaquet leçon 4 #B (back page, nous form, 2 things we are going to do for each time period, be logical) Study the verb « Venir » and do pg 68 #5 to practice it.  Don’t forget your supplies for the FETE DE CREPE on Tuesday (Mardi Gras!)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mardi 10/02

Today we took a quiz over expressions with être, avoir and faire.  We also learned about prepositions (in/to) used with aller and reviewed some vocab for places.

A Faire:  Où va-t-il ?  Quest-ce quil va faire ? Ecrivez une reponse pour chaque diapo (slide) dans le PowerPoint.   Phrases completes!  *Also take notes over vocab and prepositions!!

Devoirs Respond to the following questions using at least 5 countries (from the list in the PowerPoint or from  Où est-ce que tu veux faire un voyage?  Où est-ce que tu voudrais habiter ?, Paquet leçon 4 #1 (conjugation of aller, say what they are going to do, soyez logique!)

Monday, February 9, 2015

Lundi 09/02

Today we had a guest speaker from Andeo who shared her experiences taking her French studies out into the world (traveling!)

TEC :  Take notes over speakers presentation

Devoirs : Write a short (5 sentence) reflection about todays presentationinclude at least 2 new things you learned and how it applies to you/your life.  Pg 67 #3 (New Years resolutionssay what people are going to do/not going to do-soyez logique!), study Aller, study for quiz tomorrow (expressions, verbs)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Jeudi 05/02

Today we had a substitute.  We learned how to express what people are going to do using “aller + infinitive” (conjugation of Aller + infinitive of activity “going to do”).  Then we reviewed expressions by playing Navire de Guerre (Battleship)

A FaireAller handout #3 (write the question you will ask a partner and then your own answer to the question)

Handouts Navire de Guerre

Devoirs Aller handout #2 (say where each person goes and what they are “going to visit”—2 sentences), Study avoir/être/faire expressions (make up homework?? This is a good way to study!!) Study/know verbs avoir/être/faire/aller.  Quiz is pushed by to next week!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Mardi 27/01

Today we reviewed "faire" and profession vocabulary then started practicing the verb"aller". We played "Loto" at the end with expressions of avoir/etre/faire.
A Faire: Ecrivez une reponse pour chaque diapo (slide). Phrases completes!
TEC : pg 67 #1 Write a sentence saying where each person is going and how they get there (from choices in the box), soyez logique!!
Devoirs : Aller handout #1, study "aller", study for avoir/etre/faire expression quiz (You must know the verbs and be able to use the expressions in sentences. It will be very similar to the homework and practice we've done up until this point!)