Saturday, February 27, 2016

Jeudi 25/02

We had a warm-up discussion using the following questions: Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire ce weekend ? Qu’est-ce que tu viens de faire ?  Depuis quand fais-tu _____ (un passe-temps/a hobby) ?  Then we got some dialogue practice before working on our dialogue projects.

ObjectifStudents will practice depuis and other recently studied structures.

A Faire:  pg 71 #1 (write out/practice in partners)

TEC:  Summative dialogue (30 min)

Devoirs :  back of handout given last class (reading comp), last activity in packet (depuis—make up duration/starting point, use verb illustrated, #3: waiting at bus stop #4: speaking), IMPORTANT: have a double spaced draft of dialogue ready for peer edit when you arrive on Monday (neatly written or typed!) 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mardi 23/02

We learned how to use the expression “depuis” to express how long people have done something.  We also started working on a summative dialogue in small groups while I finished oral interviews/presentations.

ObjectifStudents will learn to use depuis.

A Faire:   pg 70 #8 (complete the sentences using depuis + starting point/duration of time.)

TEC:  Summative dialogue

Devoirs :  Front of handout (Exercice : faire/être/venir/avoir), pg 70 #9 (put the sentences together by correctly conjugating the verb and connecting the starting point/duration of time with « depuis »)

Friday, February 19, 2016

Vendredi 19/02

We had time to practice then we worked on some in-class mini-projects while presentations and interviews happened.

ObjectifStudents will demonstrate understanding of/ability to communicate using structures studied up to this point.

TEC:  Acrostic (see criteria from Wednesday)

Devoirs :  Finish acrostic to turn in Tuesday at the beginning of class, pg 71 #2 (write questions), last page of “Aller/Venir packet (in nous form, different activities for each day/time!)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Mercredi 17/02

We reviewed expressions with “venir de” and “aller + infinitif), practiced projects, then worked on an in-class mini-project while I started oral interviews

ObjectifStudents will review the verbs venir and aller

A Faire:   Paquet : Venir/Aller #5—say 2 things you are going to do and 1 thing you’re not in each situation.  (aller +infinitif!)

TEC:  Acrostic (due by the end of class on Friday!!)

Devoirs :  pg 69 #6  (for each subject in column A, write a sentence saying what they were just doing in column B and are going to do in column C, use variety, soyez logique!!), Practice creature project (presentations and interviews vendredi)

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Vendredi 12/02

We practiced venir and aller, practiced projects in preparation for presentations/interviews starting Wednesday, and finished up with making some Mardi Gras masks.

ObjectifStudents will practice using the verbs venir and aller.

A Faire: Paquet pg 30 (back of 1st pg) #3—use “venir de + infinitive” and be logical! 

TEC:  Make Mardi Gras masks

Devoirs :  Front page of packet #1 (aller, aller + infinitive) & #2 (venir in aff/neg. forms), practice projects for presentations/interviews on Wednesday !!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Mercredi 10/02

We continued working on the verb “venir” as well as how to use “venir de + place” vs. “venir de + infinitive”.  We went over some homework and finished our PowerPoint about Mardi Gras/Carnaval.

Objectif:  Students will be able to use the expression “venir de” in multiple contexts.

A Faire: Write a sentence for each slide using the “Venir de” expression given and the vocabulary represented by the image. 

TEC:  Take notes over Mardi Gras/Carnaval PowerPoint

Devoirs :  back of imperative handout #15—write both friend’s statements—the suggestion, saying not that suggestion, making a new suggestion (given in parentheses), nous form, neg/aff.,
Bring Creature project every day!!!  Practice!!!  Study verb venir.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Lundi 08/02

Today we reviewed personality and physical descriptions, learned the conjugations of the verb “venir” as well as how to use “venir de + place” vs. “venir de + infinitive”.  We also started learning about the origins of Mardi Gras.

ObjectifStudents will learn about the origins of Mardi Gras.

A Faire: pg 69 #7  for each person, say what they were just doing using “venir de + infinitive” 

TEC:  Take notes over PowerPoint (will be posted Wed. when we finish in class)

Devoirs :  pg 68 #5 (write out the entire sentences including the correct conjugation of “venir”), Mardi Gras word scramble, practice/prepare for creature project oral presentation/interview (starting the 2nd half of class on Friday!)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Jeudi 04/02

We reviewed forming inversion questions, discussed the oral presentation and interview of “Ma Créature” including the questions and rubric and had some time to work on preparing for it.

ObjectifStudents will review forming inversion questions in the 3rd person (il/elle).

A Faire: Write the inversion questions you could ask to find out about someone’s best friend…
Does he/she….  Is he/she…
     1.      Eat chocolate? 
     2.      Speak French? 
     3.      Play soccer?
     4.      Go to Grant? 
     5.      Party? 
     6.      Pass tests?
     7.      Wait for you? 
     8.      Always right? 
     9.      Generally on time? 

TEC:  Preparation for oral presentation/interview of “Ma Créature” project

Devoirs :  Back of “Bons Conseils” imperative handout (write the inversion questions that go with the answers given.  Pay close attention to the details of the answers!), Prepare project for oral presentation/interview—come ready to practice!!  BRING PROJECT MATERIALS EVERYDAY!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Mardi 02/02

Today we continued to work on the imperative.  We also took a quiz and learned how to prepare for the “Ma Créature” oral interviews/presentations.

ObjectifStudents will be able to give commands/advice using regular and irregular verbs.

A Faire: Imperative Handout #2 (vous form, 1 do and 1 don’t) 

TEC:  Creature project revision using correction codes.

Devoirs :  Read through questions and rubric for “Creature” interviews and bring questions/concerns to next class, Imperative handout #3 (Tu form, 1 affirmative/1 negative for each, for #7 look in back of book in green pages for forms!)