Friday, December 20, 2013

Semaine de 16/12-20/12

Lundi 16/12:  Today, with a substitute, we practiced irregular adjectives and the verb “être.”

A Faire:  pg 49 #8 (prepare answers only in writing, do orally in partners).  *Make sure your adjectives agree with “personnes” which is feminine and plural!!

Devoirs:  Practice être—quiz FRI, pg 49 #4 (read description, write a sentence using adjective to describe the person—make sure the adjective agrees!)

Mercredi 18/12:  Today we continued our practice of adjectives and the verb “être.”

A Faire:  adjective/name acrostic.  On a piece of plain white paper, write name then add…
*use at least 10 adjectives to describe yourself
*Make adjective agreements when necessary!!
*Must color
*Must write legibly/be able to clearly read name/adjectives
*Can decorate
*Can use first/middle/last names
*Can build only on name or off other adjectives too.
*W, K are almost impossible…can use a noun if you insist on using these letters.

Devoirs:  Practice être—quiz FRI, finish acrostic, choose 2 famous people to describe without saying who it is.  Write at least 5 sentences for each person.  We’ll be sharing and guessing about each other’s descriptions!

Vendredi 20/12: 
Today we finished the film “Les Choristes” while I conducted oral interviews and learned some about how Christmas is celebrated in France.

TEC (Travail en Classe): 
1)Finish movie handout (Les Choristes activity).  On the movie handout… Record at least 20 different words/phrases that you understand from the film.  For the questions, circle the French word that best fits the meaning/plot of the movie and translate the word into the English translation below.  At the end of the film, you will do some reflecting.
2)Noël en France:  read the handout, write a paragraph describing similarities/differences between your holiday traditions and those celebrated in France, define the 11 vocab words on bottom of page, and do “c’est Rodolphe!”

Handouts: Noël en France

Devoirs: Watch a French movie (not an American movie dubbed in French !).  It must be in French and you may of course use English subtitles.  Write a summary of the film (at least 1 large paragraph) and another paragraph as a review of the film (was it good/bad/interesting/etc? why?  Did you like it? Why? Would you recommend it? Why/for whom?).

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Vendredi 13/12

Today we started the film “Les Choristes” while I conducted oral interviews.

TEC (Travail en Classe):  On the movie handout… Record at least 20 different words/phrases that you understand from the film.  For the questions, circle the French word that best fits the meaning/plot of the movie and translate the word into the English translation below.  At the end of the film, you will do some reflecting.

Handouts: Les Choristes activity, Adjective packet #1

Devoirs: Adjective packet pg 111 #4 and pg 114 #4

Reminder:  I will not be available in Tutorial on Tuesday!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mercredi 11/12


As a result, oral interviews will begin Friday in class.  Be ready!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Lundi 09/12

Today we reviewed the expressions “être à + name/stress pronoun” and “être en train de + infinitive.”  Then we began talking about how to use adjectives in French.

A Faire:  pg 47 #4, practice family tree/identity questions when finished

Devoirs:  Practice for oral interviews (start WED!)  pg 47 #6:  for each bullet point, write 1 affirmative and 1 negative sentence (what the good/bad qualities are).  Use 2 adjectives in each sentence!

There are still volunteer incentive slots available for oral interviews in tutorial this Wed and in class 8th period!  Must sign up before the beginning of class on Wednesday!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Vendredi 06/12

Today with a substitute, students practiced the verb être and some expressions with être, practiced for oral interviews, and learned some new adjectives and played “Loto.”

A Faire : Pg 42 #2—write answer only. Remember the contraction made with à + le = au, à + les = aux

TEC (Travail en Classe):  Study pgs 47-47 and take notes.  Define all adjectives in yellow and orange boxes.

Devoirs: Practice! Oral interviews start WED! Pg 47 #5 (2 sentences for each one: 1 affirmative with 2 adjectives, 1 negative with 2 adjectives.  See examples in book!)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mercredi 04/12

Today we learned some new vocabulary for pets (See PowerPoint—click here!).  We practiced the conjugations of the verb “être” (and of course the song!) as well as 2 expressions with “être”:  être a + name/stress pronoun” and “être en train de + infinitive.”  Then we practiced for oral interviews.

A Faire:  Write a sentence for each slide in the PowerPoint answering my question.

Devoirs:  pg 45 #1 (2 short sentences for each person in the first column.  Say where each person is and what he/she is busy doing.)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Lundi 02/12

Today we reviewed the identity questions (pg 32) and practiced family trees in preparation for oral interviews that start next Wednesday.  We also began preparing a survey about Thanksgiving break.

A Faire:  Write questions for survey and then write your own answers to the questions.  No intonation questions!!

Devoirs:  Finish Sondage questions and answers!  We will be doing it at the beginning of class next time!