Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mercredi 30/09

Today we did some oral practice, learned ohow to use “OSLIS” to create citations for the project bibliography, and went to the library to continue our research on the regions of France.

Objectif: Students will research and understand the unique cultural identities/features of regions of France.

TEC :  Research!!  Writing!!

Devoirs :  Finish brochure and bibliography for turn in by the end of the day Friday!!!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Lundi 28/09

Today, we went over our new French region project, go a lesson on database resources from Mme. Battle (librarian) and then went to the library to start researching.

ObjectifStudents will begin researching a region of France.

TECResearch your region (see me if you were absent!!)

Devoirs :  study/review pg 20 yellow box, do pg 20 #5 (write invitation questions—use variety of est-ce que/inversion, and answers—refuse them all!!), continue research.  Make up reading assignment pg. 4-5 in book…see last Thursday’s blog post for criteria (We are doing a comprehension activity on Friday in class.)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jeudi 24/09

We reviewed and practiced some new school class vocabulary and expressions of place.  We played “Loto” to review verbs before we took a vocab quiz.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use expressions of place to describe the locations of things.

A Faire: See Madame Reid!

Devoirs :  handout front/back, read pgs 4-5 in book for understanding!  Keep notes over content and what strategies you used when you didn’t understand what you were reading.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Mardi 22/09

Today in class we reviewed questions 1-9, 14-20 and learned some new vocab for classes/courses at Grant. We also practiced the expressions of place pg. 15 and contractions with DE + LE/LA/L’/LES.  Finally we corrected some homework.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use expressions of place to describe the locations of things.

A Faire: Preparez vos reponses aux questions 18 & 19 avec le nouveau vocabulaire (see handout !)

Devoirs :  pg 21 #7 (inversion questions/answers), pg 22 #8 (rewrite questions with the correct question word, use answers to figure them out!) Study ER/IR/RE verbs for verb quiz jeudi!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Vendredi 18/09

Today, we continued practicing forming and asking answering questions.  We also took a vocab quiz.

Objectif:  Students will be able to form inversion questions about a variety of subjects.

A Faire: Question handout …Part A-vous form, write an « est-ce que » and an inversion question.  Part B-write questions about Chantal, don’t forget to put in the « t » to avoid the vowel clash !

Handouts :  Question handout

Devoirs :  Finish question handout, pg 21 #6 (write inversion questions/ your answers!), pg 22 #10 (rewrite the whole sentence with verb!),  study ER/IR/RE verbs,  Practice question list

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mercredi 16/09

Today we learned how to form questions in 4 ways. We also listened to our song, learned some new school vocabulary (pg 5) and practiced questions 18-20 on the question list.

ObjectifStudents will be able to form 4 kinds of questions.

A Faire: Rewrite the following questions in inversion format:
1.      Comment est-ce que tu vas à l’école?
2.      Est-ce qu’elle porte une robe ?
3.      Est-ce qu’il habite à Portland ?
4.      Est-ce que tu choisis des lunettes de soleil ?
5.      Est-ce qu’ils vendent des montres ?

TEC Sondage… write inversion questions and ask 8 people their preferences from pg 12 #1.  Be sure to respond using the French responses you wrote for homework!

Devoirs :  study ER/IR/RE (quiz Fri!), take notes pg 15 (yellow box), do #8 (write whole sentence, les outils = tools) and #9 (write sentence: replace 1st place with subject pronoun—il/elle, say where it is relative to place in parentheses), PRACTICE!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Lundi 14/09

We practiced questions 14/15 from the question list, reviewed some common questions and phrases for talking about things/objects, and went over some homework.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use common questions and phrases to identify objects.

A Faire: pg 13 #4 (describe ALL items in the pictures !)  vocab reference pgs: R4, 346-347.

Devoirs :  pg 12 #1 (write a sentence stating your preference of the choices given), pg 12 #2 (identify the objects using the phrases we practiced in class), practice question list, study ER/IR/RE verbs (vocab test Friday!)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jeudi 10/09

We continued to work on stress/subject pronouns, learned to ask and answer questions 14 & 15  from the question list and took a vocabulary quiz over ER verbs.

ObjectifStudents will be able to distinguish between subject/stress pronouns and use them appropriately.

A Faire: 2 parts
      1)       Utilisez un pronom « stress » dans vos réponses…
a)      Est-ce que tu as des classes avec tes amis ?  Je…
b)      Est-ce que vous avez des bonbons pour Madame Reid ?   Nous…

      2)      Pg 23 #11 : Write an affirmative/negative sentence (based on the oui/non in parentheses) and replace the subject with a pronoun and use a stress pronoun.

Devoirs :  Verb practice #1, Mot croisé (gives the page number for reference), Study IR/RE verbs for vocab quiz next week.  Continue to study and practice ER verb vocabulary

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mardi 08/09

We continued practicing birth dates/places of self and others and tackled some big numbers.  We also did some verb practice and talked about the difference between “subject” and “stress” pronouns.  We listened to our new song!

ObjectifStudents will be able to distinguish between subject/stress pronouns and use them appropriately.

A Faire: Répondez à phrases complètes.  Deux phrases pour chaque numéro !
      a)      Quand est-il/elle né(e) ?   (Il/Elle est né(e) le….)
      b)      Quel âge a-t-il/elle ?          (Il/Elle a ___ ans.)

1) (il) 7/14/1789          2) (elle) 12/ 01/1492           3) (il) 3/28/1615              4)  (elle) 10/31/1871

Devoirs :  materials (binder/cahier check coming!!) visual dictionary for 10 unknown/lesser known ER verbs (Must have: word (verb), image, sentence using word/verb in French), study all ER verbs (front/back) on the list for meaning (vocab quiz Thur!), pg 23 #12 (say that each person is doing that activity at his/her own home, using "chez" + stress pronoun)

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Jeudi 03/09

Today we spent some time practicing the question list and particularly questions 4 & 5.  We reviewed regular verb (ER/IR/RE) verb conjugations and songs.  We also set up binders/cahiers (notebooks) and went over some homework.

ObjectifStudents will use numbers & knowledge of the French calendar to express birthdates.

A Faire: Répondez à phrases complètes:
            1.      Où et quand es-tu né(e) ? 
            2.      Quand est-il/elle né(e) ?  (Alternate il/elle in responses!)
a)      4/17/1981    b)  7/24/1974     c)  6/13/1948       d)  8/1/1925          e)  2/1/1993

Handouts :  Devoirs:  Quelle heure est-il?, Rappel 3 worksheet (Don't do #13!)

Devoirs :  supplies, commitments!!, practice letters/spelling/numbers, question list 1-9/16-17,  clocks on back of A/B handout!  Rappel 3 worksheet front and back.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mardi 01/09

Bienvenue au blog de français 3-4 de l’année 2015-2016!

Today in class we reviewed numbers and time. We also practiced our question list, questions 1-9, 16-17.  We did a quick review of ER verbs and checked out text books as well.

ObjectifStudents will review and use numbers to express time.

A Faire: Répondez à phrases complètes:
Quel temps fait-il ?
A quelle heure commencent les cours ?
A quelle heure finissent les cours ?

TEC :  A/B activity in partners (see handouts)

Devoirs :  Materials, commitments, practice spelling/numbers, question list 1-9, 16-17,
Do both review worksheets, study ER verb vocab (front side, vocab quiz coming very soon!)