Thursday, December 17, 2015

Jeudi 17/12

We learned how to use aller + infinitive and the expression “aller chercher”.  We learned about our final semester project and began watching a film.

Objectif: Students will learn to express what people are “going to do.”

A Faire:  pg 67 #4 (use the expression “aller chercher” to say what the different people are going to go get based on the context given.)

Devoirs :  pg 67 #3 (Say what good decisions the people are making in the new year by saying what they are going to do.)  Start thinking/writing for your project!



Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Mardi 15/12

We did some review and had some time to ask questions then we took our test.

Objectif: Students will demonstrate knowledge on an exam

Devoirs :  Mot croisé-Avoir/Adjectives (both sides), review worksheet (7th)



Tutorial is Wednesday for ALL teachers so plan accordingly!  

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Vendredi 11/12

We had a substitute today.  Students reviewed the conjugations of the verb aller and discussed using “aller à” to talk about going places.  Students also reviewed contractions of à + aritcles then did an in-class reading comprehension activity about the attacks in Paris.

Objectif: Students will read for comprehension

A Faire:  Write 6 original sentences for 6 different subjects using a different conjugation of “aller à” in each with different places and the appropriate contractions (à + le/les).

TECLes Attentats à Paris.  Read out loud in partners/small groups taking notes over content (in English) and difficult vocabulary.  Complete comprehension activities (to turn in Tuesday!)

Devoirs :  Finish reading activity (to turn in Tue!), review worksheet (Accidentally, 7th wasn’t given this by the sub but it is important review, so please try to do it!), study for test on Tuesday!  *Bring specific grammar/vocab/comprehension questions to class Tue and I’ll answer them before the test. Or see me before school Mon/Tue!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Mercredi 09/12

Today we did review of verb expressions and forming questions, students also had an opportunity to ask for clarification of any other topic they are struggling with.  We did an oral survey of classmates and did a culture activity reading student created brochures about regions of France.

Objectif: Students will learn about regions of France.

A Faire :  Write questions in French using expression vocabulary.  Vary the formation of your questions by using “est-ce que” for some and inversion for others.  Pay close attention to the subject and conjugate your verb appropriately.  Also watch for the key words so you know what vocabulary to use!
      1.      Are y’all hungry?
      2.      Are you thirsty?
      3.      Is she always on time?
      4.      Do you hate doing the dishes?
      5.      Does he cook?
      6.      Do they feel like eating a sandwich?
      7.      Do you like to go for a walk?
      8.      Do y’all need to do the grocery shopping?

Devoirs :  Brochure activity (Must be legible/typed, read directions carefully!), back of adj packet #6—write in cahier, name 3 subjects you study and 2 things you do to help your parents!!    Study for test!  Bring questions to class or tutorial!!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Lundi 07/12

We did some oral practice, read some devinettes and discussed in detail the exam next week.  We also did some review in preparation.

Objectif: Students will be able to use être/avoir/faire expressions to ask/answer questions about life/activities.

A Faire :   PowerPoint: Que fait-il ?  For each slide write one or two answers (depending on questions asked) saying the professions of the people.  Try to vary your usage of “c’est/il est” in your reponses in order to get practice with both!

Handouts :  PowerPoint : Que fait-il ?, TEC : Sondage, Exam topics of study (keep in mind much of the list is just review from last year!)

TECWrite answers to the questions you prepared as homework for the sondage.  You should be using être/avoir/faire expressions in question and response.  We went over some of the questions so check yourself with the link in handouts (for a blank copy, see last Thursday!)

Devoirs :  Finish sondage questions and answers (we will be using these at the beginning of class when we do the survey!) pg 61 #9 (write inversion questions about the people given, remember that ER verbs in the il/elle form need a “-t-“ in between the verb and the subject to avoid the vowel clash.)  Study for test!!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Jeudi 03/12

Today we did some review for the summative test (question list/went over old homework) and practiced using “faire de” to ask and answer about activities we do.

Objectif: Students will be able to use “faire de” to talk about activities/sports/classes.

A Faire :  pg 59 #6 – alternate between writing “est-ce que” and inversion questions for each one and prepare your answer as well.  Don’t forget that negative answers will have “de” instead of “du/de la/de l’/des!!

Handouts :  Sondage

Devoirs :  pg 59 #7 (answer all questions and in complete sentences), write inversion questions for the sondage (make sure you include all the vocabulary in each question!)  Study verbs and for summative test (12/15!)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Mardi 01/12

Today we discussed the foods we like and don’t like eating for Thanksgiving.  We also practiced the verb “faire” and some of the expressions that go with it.

Objectif: Students will be able to use “faire de” to talk about a variety of activities.

A Faire See handout for images.  Write a sentence using “faire”, subject pronoun given, and an expression or any other necessary vocabulary to make it complete.

TECTake notes over the vocabulary in the Thanksgiving PowerPoint and participate in class discussion.

Devoirs :  Back of expression handout (old) #3, pg 59 #5 (2 sentences for each: 1 about what they study using “faire”, 1 about what they logically want to do as a profession based on studies), study verbs! Study for the summative exam before Winter Break!