Thursday, December 18, 2014

Jeudi 18/12

Today we practiced the expression “être en train de”, learned about the end of semester project and continued watching “Les Visiteurs.”

Handouts :  Ma Créature

Devoirs :  Read Ma Creature project handout, writ rough draft (double spaced) of at least 15-20 sentences for peer edit on Monday Jan. 5!  Study verbs (especially avoir—pop quiz coming!) PRACTICE!!



Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mardi 16/12

Today we practiced using the être expressions (à l’heure/en avance/en retard), learned the expression “être en train de” (see pg 44) and giving physical descriptions.  We also reviewed the conjugations of avoir and être and started the film “Les Visiteurs”.

A Faire:  From the image (Click here!) choose a boy and a girl to describe.  5 sentences minimum for each person and at least 3 must be about physical description, the other 2 can be about personality (infer based on picture).

Devoirs :  pg 45 #1 (write 2 sentences for each person in column: 1-say where is person is (choose place), 2-say what each person is busy/currently doing at that place (choose activity)  Be logical, choose an activity that makes since for the place!)  Study avoir (pop quiz coming!), finish acrostic/pic with 8 sentence description (MUST BE TURNED IN BY FRIDAY 12/19!)

Lundi 15/12

Today we had a substitute.  We worked on some irregular adjective review and made an acrostic with our names/adjectives to describe us.

TEC: Acrostic assignment and criteria:  (See example!)
Make an acrostic using first, middle, and/or last name and adjectives that represent you. 
Must have 10 letters/adjectives, adjective agreements, spelling/accents, color
*can use book pgs 46-48 and handout with physical description for adjectives
*can also write sentences instead of just using a word ex: I like…/I don’t like…/I have (black) hair
*K and W are difficult in French because they are not “natural” letters—try using nouns and/or to write sentences to get around them.

A FaireAdjective practice

Devoirs :  Etre/Avoir practice (both sides), finish acrostic to turn in Tuesday.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Jeudi 11/12

Today we practiced the expression “être d’accord” and how to give physical descriptions.

A Faire:  describe with your partner what you see in each slide.  You may be identifying a body part or giving a physical description.  Use the following sentence starters: C’est/Ce sont…, il/elle a…, il/elle est…

Devoirs Choose a picture (magazine, internet, photo, etc.) of a person and describe his/her physique et personality, 8 phrases total.  Bring pic and sentences to turn in Monday!  Study expressions: être a l’heure/être en avance/être en retard (pg 44), do pg 45 #3 (#2 & #3, answer ALL questions and use complete sentences!)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Mardi 09/12

Today we continued using adjectives to describe personalities, particularly about our families.  We went over some previous homework and learned some about giving physical descriptions.

A Faire:  Each slide in the PowerPoint is divided in half.  For each half, write a singular and a plural sentence.  Make sure you have done at least one masculine and one feminine sentence per slide and check your agreements.  Follow the sentence patterns below:
C’est (Ce n’est pas) un homme/garçon ____              
C’est (Ce n’est pas) une femme/fille _____                
C’est un bébé ________  
Ce sont (ce ne sont pas) les hommes _____
Ce sont (ce ne sont pas) les femmes _____                                           
Ce sont les personnes (f)  ________
Ce sont les animaux _______

Devoirs :  Finish labeling body parts, study avoir (pop quiz coming), write a physical description of yourself (5 sentences), be ready to share sondage findings (if you were absent you need to see Monday’s post and prepare at least some sentences!), pg 43 #3 (Do #1 only, but answer all 4 questions posed.)

Monday, December 8, 2014

Lundi 08/12

Today we practiced questions for finding out if people have brothers and sisters and how many, then if they are older or younger.  We finished by doing a survey of 10 classmates in French (the point is to be able to communicate about your family all in French!)

*Combien de frères et sœurs as-tu ?     -OR-  Est-ce que tu as des frères et des sœurs ?

J’ai _#_ frères et _#_ sœurs.   –OR-  Je n’ai pas de frères ou sœurs.  Je suis enfant unique.

*Est-ce qu’ils sont plus âgés ou plus jeunes que toi ?

Mes frères/sœurs sont _______ que moi.        -OR- 
Mon frère/sœur est ____ que moi       -OR- 
Un frère est ____ et une sœur et un frère sont ____ que moi. (make this answer fit your criteria!)

A Fairecomplete the “sondage de famille” in class by asking 10 classmates questions in French as well as answering about your own.

Handouts :  Sondage de famille

Devoirs :  Write sentences in French to explain your findings in the survey.  Remember to make the adjectives “plus âgé” and “plus jeune” agree with the person you are describing like brother(s)/sister(s) (add e/s/es?).  Also consider connecting sentences using “and” and “but”.
Use the following sentence pattern: 
     Dans la famille de _nom_,    ses frères sont _______ que lui/elle
                           ses sœurs sont _______ que lui/elle
                           sa sœur est _______ que lui/elle
                           son frère est _______ que lui/elle

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Jeudi 04/12

Today we reviewed regular/irregular adjectives, did an être quiz and the listening retake, then played Battleship.

Devoirs :  Adjective packet pg 111 #4 (write an affirmative or negative sentence saying whether or not the person is the adjective in parentheses based on the context given.  Pay attention to agreements!); pg 49 #7 (rewrite each sentence with the new nouns given in parentheses, make sure the adjective now agrees with the new noun.  Must rewrite for each new noun given!)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mardi 02/12

Today we learned the question to ask what someone is like (“Comment est ____?”) and practiced describing personalities using regular and irregular adjectives.  We also did listening and être practice in anticipation of the listening retake (Thur) and être pop quiz (soon!).

A Faire:  pg 49 #9 (read the sentence(s) and write a sentence describing her personality—make sure you use feminine agreements!)

Devoirs :  Adjective packet (given out 2 weeks ago!) pg 110 #3 (front page), choose 5 family members (you may use 1 friend instead of a family member if you like) and describe his/her personality.  In a complete sentence, say 3 things each person IS and 3 things each person ISN’T.  Try to use irregular adjectives as well!

Last Day to turn in missing projects/tests from 1st quarter is this Friday 12/05!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Lundi 01/12

Today we learned some Thanksgiving vocab and started preparing a survey for class tomorrow.

A Faire:  Take notes over vocabulary in PowerPoint.  Answer questions giving 2-3 things for each:  “Qu’est-ce que tu aimes manger pour Thanksgiving?” and « Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas (détestes) manger pour Thanksgiving?"

Devoirs :  Study être (2nd POP quiz this week and I’ll keep the better of the 2 scores), Write sentences about the ideal qualities of the following people:  Mes voisins, mes camarades de classe.  Say 2 things they are and 2 things they aren’t.  Start describing the personality of your family (3-4 phrases) as a whole or individual members.  Come with the questions necessary to complete the survey tomorrow (look at the chart/table and then look in your notes/book!)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Mardi 25/11

Today we discussed the rest of the vocab pg 34 and practiced talking about whether our best friends are older/younger and married/single/divorced (haha).  We also learned about adjective functions, agreements and placement in a sentence. Then we played Pictionary.

A Faire:  pg 47 #4 (rewrite the second sentence with an appropriate adjective.)

Handouts Crossword

Devoirs :  pg 47 #5 (write a sentence saying 2 things that the person is, and 1 thing the person is NOT.  Follow the model), crossword (both sides)

Attention:  If you are missing Quarter 1 projects (ex: brochure, etc.) or tests and quizzes (you never took it) then you may make those up by 12/05 (next Friday).  No other work may be made up from Quarter 1.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Lundi 24/11

Today we used Mme. Reid’s family tree to discuss whether people are younger or older than other family members.  We also took a quiz over the verb “être.”

A Faire:  Write 3 sentences explaining who is younger than Mme. Reid and 3 sentences saying who is older than Mme. Reid on her family tree.  (She is labeled as “moi”)

Devoirs :  review pg 15 yellow box, make 8 visual dictionary entries (picture and French sentence using term, NO ENGLISH!) for the prepositions you struggle with the most, do pg 15 #8 (write whole sentence including the correct preposition!)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Jeudi 20/11

Today we did a lot of oral practice with the identity questions pg. 32 and describing family relationships including whether people are married, single, or divorced.

Travail en classe (TEC):  Sondage (survey), ask 5 people the questions necessary to find out: nom/prénom, âge, date et lieu de naissance.  Write sentences explaining the information you found :  Il/elle s’appelle…  Il/elle a __ ans.  Il/elle est né(e)…

Devoirs Leçon 1 writing activities (both sides/all activities, #4 write complete sentences!), study être (pop quiz next week !!)

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Mardi 18/11

Today we practiced identity questions from pg 32 and started talking about family vocabulary and describing family relationships.

A Faire:  Use the Harry Potter family tree to write 10 sentences describing family relationships.  You must use at least one plural sentence and use the prefix “beau” and “belle” each one time

Use the following sentence frames to structure your sentences:
Singular : _(nom)_ est le/la (relation) de _(nom)_     
Plural : _(nom)_ et _(nom)_  sont les (relation) de _(nom)_

Devoirs :  Write 15 sentences using the sentence frames above to describe Duck Family relations (try to use new vocabulary !)*There is a color copy of the Duck Family tree with the other family trees, practice identity questions pg 32 and be prepared to share orally in partners/small groups/big group.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Lundi 17/11

Today we practiced answering the questions on pg 32, particularly the address and date of birth.  We went over the pronunciation of nationalities and did some oral practice.

A Faire:  pg. 33 #3 (Imagine you are the student in the picture, write your answer to the questions:  Comment t’appelles-tu?  Où habites-tu?  Tu es _(allemande)_?)  Be prepared to practice this out loud when you arrive in class tomorrow!

Handouts Adjective packet

Devoirs :  Practice all questions pg 32, particularly address and date of birth (be prepared to share these orally during the warm-up!), back page (only) of Adjective packet (Write all questions in “est-ce que” or inversion form, #5: write the question that would generate that answer—use verbs in the answer as clues, #6: write in complete sentences!)

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Vous me manquez! MDR! (I miss you! Lol!)

Please remember to practice!  Since you haven't had class for so long it is essential that you practice so you're not too rusty when you come to class on Monday.  We will hit the ground running!

Attention:  If you missed taking the test last week, you must make an appointment to take it before or after school during this coming week!  

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Jeudi 06/11

Today we did a little review then took our test.

Devoirs :  Finish “questions personnelles” pg 35 (complete sentences and answer all questions!), take notes pg 32 yellow box, write your answers to the questions in the box and be prepared to share out pg 32 #1

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mardi 04/10:

Today we did some review for the test.

A Faire:  fill in “emploi de temps”, practice talking about your schedule using this sentence frame:  Quelle matiere étudies-tu _mardi_ de _8h15_ à _9h48_?  J’étudie _le français_  Then turn over and write a sentence response to the question “Dans quel course es-tu _mardi à 14h30_?  Mardi à 14h30, je suis dans _le français_.  *If you have a free period/TA/study hall, it may be better to start your answer with “j’ai…”

Handouts Emploi de temps

Devoirs :  Study for TEST on Thursday (make sure your studying involves writing!), pg 35 #5 (make family tree based on brown box sentences.  In part A, use the family tree to say whether the sentences are vraies/fausses (true/false).  In part B, follow the sentence model to describe the family relationships)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Lundi 03/11

Today we practiced “n’est-ce pas” questions and using c’est/ce n’est pas and ce sont/ce ne sont pas.

A Faire:  pg. 16 #10 (Write out the dialogues for each picture then practice orally with partner.  If the picture looks exactly the same than it is your object!  If the pictures are different than it isn’t yours)

Devoirs :  take notes pg 34, do pg 35 #4 (#1 & #2 only! Write in complete sentences and answer all questions asked!), study etre, study for test and bring any questions to class tomorrow, practice and be prepared to answer the following questions in class:  Que fait _ta mere/ton pere/etc._?  Qu’est-ce que tu veux etre?  Qu’est-ce que tu fais dans la vie? (what do you do ?)

Quiz topics to study (this includes most things you should review but may not include every word/phrase/topic.  Refer to your notes/assignments/textbook as well!) :

Regular verbs (conjugation/meaning), acheter/preferer, pronouns (stress/subject), school subjects (questions/vocab), questions (question words, kinds/functions, exceptions), c'est/ce sont, numbers, alphabet, likes/preferences/want/can/must, time, weather/seasons/months/days, origines ethniques, feuille #1, halloween vocab, identity questions (name/age/bday/ph #/from question list), francophone countries, song, african visitors, greetings/salutations, classroom vocabulary, politesse (being polite!)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mardi 28/10

Today we talked about the verb être, practiced forming inversion questions in the 3rd person singular (il/elle) and did some Halloween vocabulary/activities.

A Faire:  Question handout part B (given out 21 octobre)—write the inversions questions Robert would ask to find out about Chantal.

Devoirs :  pg 61 #9 (write the inversion question for each bullet point using the subject given. Ex: ta copine), 8 visual dictionary entries (picture/French word—NO English) for Halloween vocabulary, study/take notes pg 36-37 and do #6 (read the paragraphs to decide which job is being described and complete the last sentence.  Write the whole sentence) and #7 (say what the various people want to be/can be).  Study être and for the test next Thursday!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Lundi 27/10

Today we practiced talking about whether or not we are dressing up for Halloween and what we will be. We also reviewed using "c'est/ce sont" to express the ideas "it's/they are".
A Faire: Look up the following words in your book or on Then write sentences for pg 12 #2 (use c'est/ce sont plus the words in the box to write complete sentences, then do orally in partner by asking partner "qu'est-ce que c'est?
jacket/blazer, pen, bag, sunglasses, shoes, shirt, tie, purse, poster, coat 
red, green, black, blue, white, yellow, brown 
Devoirs : pg 27 #2 (make table/chart in cahier, use French for class names and French time notation for the class times), #3 (make a list, be sure to use the correct form of "my"--mon/ma/mes), #4 (write sentences expressing 5 things you liike to do and 4 things you don't like to do. Use infinitive construction Ex: j'aime manger la pizza.)

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Jeudi 23/10

Today we reviewed subject/stress pronouns and possessive adjectives.  We went over some homework and played "Navire de Guerre" (Battleship) with regular verb conjugations.

A Faire:  Last page of ER/IR/RE Practice packet (#5 le weekend)

Devoirs :  pg 23 #11 (replace people with subject/stress pronouns when appropriate and make affirmative or negative based on oui/non in parentheses), pg 17 #11 (rewrite the sentence with the correct possessive adjective son/sa/ses, question handout #1 (n'est-ce pas?), PRACTICE!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mardi 21/10

Today we practiced questions by doing a survey of classmates, learned about/practiced using possessive adjectives (pg R7) and listened to/sang our song.

A Faire:  pg 17 #12

Devoirs :  Question handout partie A only, ER/IR/RE Practice packet back of pg. 2 ( #3-En vacances, #4 Pourquoi pas?), write 2 original information questions (1-inversion, 1-est-ce que)…the following verbs may be helpful :  aimer, adorer, préférer, vouloir (veux), pouvoir (peux), etc…)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Lundi 20/10

Today we practiced forming, asking and responding to inversion questions.  We also did a reflection on the visit from the African students.

A Faire:  Write a reflection in English about your experience in class last Thursday.  What was it like meeting new people?  How well could you communicate in French?  What did you learn?  Were there any surprises?  Was there something you wish you had that you needed?

Devoirs :  pg 12 #1 (write your answers to the preference questions—we will be using this in class!), Rappel 3 handout #12 “Les pronoms” (replace the underlined nouns with either a subject or a stress pronoun as appropriate!), practice questions from pg 60 #8 out loud (we’ll be using them in class as well!!)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Jeudi 16/10

Today in class we got to spend time using our new question making skills to ask questions and get to know our visitors from West Africa.

A Faire:  Take notes over information from your conversations

Devoirs : Write 10 sentences minimum about at least 1 new African friend.  Practice!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mardi 14/10

Today in class we continued our work with forming questions and discussed subject pronouns and stress pronouns (and how they are used differently).

Devoirs :  pg 23 #12 (say the people listed are doing the activity at their house, using “chez” + stress pronoun), pg 60 #8 (write inversion questions for each, attention:  avoir and faire conjugations are in the back of your book and don’t forget the accent change on préférer!!)

We are all good for the visit with the African students!!  They will be here on Thursday!  Don’t forget about French lunch in Rm 141!  There will be lots of snacks and drinks to enjoy while you speak French with our visitors!!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Lundi 13/10

Today we reviewed forming questions using “est-ce que” and question words.

A Faire:  pg 21 #7—write your answers, in complete sentences, to the questions you wrote for homework.  Interview your partner…ask the question and your partner will give his/her prepared answer.  Keep notes (jot down key info!)  Then change roles.

Devoirs :  Write sentences about your partner from your interview (pg 21 #7), use his/her name and/or start the sentence with il/elle.  You should have 8 complete sentences about him/her.  Be ready to share!!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Jeudi 09/10

Today in class we did some more practice with time, went over some homework (ER/IR/RE verb practice) and listened to our new song.

A Faire:  Rewrite the following times in French notation and words (Ex: 1:15pm => 13h15, il est treize heures et quart)  *use expressions when possible and 24hr clock!
1. 1: 15 pm
2. 12:00am 
3. 1:30am
4. 9:28am
5. 5:55pm
6. 10:40pm

Devoirs :  Rappel 3 front side (#8, #9, #10), pg 21 #7 (write ONLY the questions: put question word in parentheses in front + est-ce que tu + conjugation of verb and rest of question)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mardi 07/10

Today in class we reviewed telling time and started learning about forming questions.

A Faire:  Write out the times on your paper (A or B) and then quiz your partner on those times using the clocks in class (show the time on the clock, partner answers question “quelle heure est-il?”  Help partner as needed since you already prepared the answers!)

Devoirs :  pg 22 #8 (rewrite the question with the appropriate question word from pg 21, you will have to read the answer and what you have of the question to figure out which would make the most sense!), Write out complete sentence answers to the question “Quelle heure est-il?” using the clocks on the handout (make sure to practice expressions, vary am/pm and use the 24hr clock!)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Lundi 06/10

Today we practiced talking about our ethnicity/ethnic origins and went over the homework.  We also discussed in depth how students will be graded in this course and did an assessment about participation.

Devoirs :  Final brochure and bibliography (separate—make sure your name is on it!!), Participation assessment if you didn't finish in class.  PRACTICE!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Jeudi 02/10

Today in class we learned how to talk about our ethnicity and clarified some things for the project (citations, looking up country name, formatting).  Then we went to the library to finish research on the project.

Handouts Today’s project info (citations, looking up country name, formatting) 

Devoirs :  Be able to talk about your ethnicity in class Monday, pg 11 #7 (Questions 1-4 go with the top 2 pictures, questions 5-8 go with the bottom 2 pictures.  Complete sentences!!)  Work on brochure!! (It's due on Tuesday!)

Back to School Night

Merci d’être venu!  Thanks for coming !

Here are links to the resources I shared with you:

Syllabus                      Ways to do well in a Language Class

Linguafolio                 French Class Commitments for Success

Your support is so important!  Please encourage your resident Frenchie to practice as much as possible and ask him/her about what we’re doing in French class!

Want to support French at Grant??  See the tab “Support French at Grant” on my website (

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Mardi 30/09

Today in class we discussed the project criteria and resources, then went to the library to use computers for research.

Devoirs :  Back of ER/IR/RE practice handout, read the ½ page of text on the 2nd page in your project handout (“Francophone means French Speaking…”) and take detailed notes (there will be an activity around this!)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Lundi 29/09

Today we practiced questions of nationality, where people are from, school subjects studied, and phone numbers.  We also started a new culture project.

Devoirs :  ER/IR/RE practice handout (front side only—Attention: some sentences may need to be negative to make sense!), Read the project handout thoroughly and come to class ready to research a country you've already chosen from the list!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Jeudi 25/09

Today in class we practiced talking about where we’re from and what nationality we are, practiced inviting people to do things/accepting/making excuses, went over some homework (discussed the difference between “visiter” and “rendre visite à”) and took a vocab quiz over IR/RE verbs.

A Faire:  pg 20 #5 (write out an invitation in sentence form for each invitation in the column, write out sentence for each excuse in the column, share out in partners)

Devoirs :  Study/take notes p. 21, prepare pg 21 #6 for class on Monday (follow the examples to write a question for each and then write your own answer to each question—so you’re prepared to answer when someone asks you!), pg 22 #9 (write the answer to the questions in a complete sentence—recycle from the question!!) 
Beginning of year survey: Cliquez ici/Click here!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mardi 23/09

Today in class we worked on writing answers to questions using the ER/IR/RE verbs from the vocab list.  We also played “Loto” to practice verb meanings.

A FaireRépondez a phrases complètes! (Respond in complete sentences !  All verbs, except faire, are on the Reg. verb vocab list.  Use what you know to make sense of the question and use the clues in the question to write a response). We are using these for oral/listening practice at the beginning of class on Thursday!
1. Quand tu fais des achats, est-ce que tu dépenses beaucoup/peu d’argent?
2. Est-ce que tu prêtes des choses à tes amis ?  Quoi ?
3. Est-ce que tu désobéis souvent tes parents ?
4. Quand tu es nerveux/nerveuse, est-ce que tu rougis ?
5. Est-ce que tu interromps tes amis quand ils parlent ?
6. Est-ce que tu rends des choses quand tu les empruntes ?

Devoirs :  Take notes over grammar box on pg 120 (make sure you understand these words and expressions because we will be using them in class on Thur), pg 22 #10 (Write WHOLE sentence! Choose which verb fits the meaning of the sentence and then conjugate it appropriately.)  Study IR/RE verbs (Vocab quiz Thur!!)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Lundi 22/09

Today in class we did some practice with the homework pg 20 #4 and school subjects.  We also learned/reviewed RE/ER/IR verbs.

Handouts :  Flashcard paper

Devoirs :  Make flashcards: 5 for IR verbs and 5 for RE verbs that you are struggling with on vocab list (remember, only a picture and the term—NO English!), Study IR/RE verb vocab (Quiz on Thursday!), packet pg 3 (RE practice:  #2-Jobs d’été, #3-Pourquoi?)

Remember:  Quiz retakes until Thursday.  If you missed a quiz in must be made up within a week of your return!!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Jeudi 18/09

Today in class we went over the homework with a small group activity and the whiteboards.  We also took a vocab quiz.  You have 1 week to retake this quiz, you may retake 1 time.

Devoirs :  pg 19 #2 (look through the windows to decide which ER verb to use when writing the sentence for each one.  Make sure you conjugate correctly for the subject given!), pg 20 #4 (must write 6 complete sentences using the expressions given—like “en general, avec mes amis, le weekend, etc.—and using a variety of the phrase starters—j’aime, je n’aime pas, je préfère), Study the IR/RE regular verb vocabulary on the list, PRACTICE!!!

Have you done the Beginning of the year survey??  You are getting points for it!  Cliquez ici/Click here!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mardi 16/09

Today in class we practiced more questions from p. 6-7 in book and from the feuille de vocabulaire. We took a group quiz over the reading on p.4-5 and did some regular ER/IR verb practice.

Devoirs :  Study the ER verbs on the verb vocab list (on front/back) for meaning…there is a vocab quiz over these on Thursday!!  Do p. 19 #3 (You must write a complete sentence for each bullet point in each number.  Say whether or not you/the people do the things listed at those places…attention: some sentences may be negative!  Think ne…pas!)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Lundi 15/09

Today in class we practiced zut/merci, school subjects, and reviewed ER and IR verbs.

Devoirs :  make at least 8 flash cards with ER verbs from the regular verb vocab list (see previous post)—picture on the front (best)/French word on the back or French word on the front/English on the back.  Also, do 2nd page of regular verb practice packet (IR verbs—#1: conjugate choisir to say what people choose.  You may need to look up object vocab in the book.  #2: Read the French sentence given to decide whether to write an affirmative or a negative sentence using the IR verb in parentheses)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Jeudi 11/09

Today in class we practiced talking about the school subjects we study then asked questions about birthday and age to make “une ligne d’anniversaire” (birthday line).  We also worked in small groups to read p. 6-7 out loud and check comprehension by taking English notes over the content.  We’ll being doing a group quiz over this on Monday!! We also reviewed ER verb conjugations.

Devoirs :  Study the ER verbs on the verb vocab list (on front/back) for meaning…the next vocab quiz will be over these!!; write a complete sentence saying ALL the classes you study using vocab from book and handout (bring questions if you have them!); study/memorize ER verb conjugations, do pg 10 #6 (use pg R3 for reference)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Mardi 09/09

             Bienvenue au blog de français 3-4 de l’année 2014-2015!
Today in class we practiced questions and vocabulary from the question list/feuille de vocabulaire/homework (p. 6-7 in book).  We took a vocabulary quiz and learned how to set up a French binder and cahier

Devoirs :  practice all vocab we’ve been studying out loud (feuille, question lists, from book), read and take (English) notes over pg 4-5 (about the French young people, write what you understand about each, and the vocab in the yellow box).  After, answer the following question with a complete sentence: “Quelles matières étudies-tu?”  Finally, please complete the following beginning of the year survey in English (Cliquez ici/Click here).  Merci!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Vendredi 06/06

Today we reviewed l’imparfait and le passé composé avec avoir and être, we talked briefly about how to revise the passé composé paragraphs and did a sing-off with Tous Les Garçons et Les Filles!

A Faire:  pg 127 #2 (read the sentence and decide if the person/people went out or not.  Check your HV and les accords!)

Handouts/Class MaterialsLivre de Grammaire

Devoirs :  revise passé composé paragraphs (see criteria below), pg 129 #4 (read sentence and decide if the people did/didn’t do the things in parentheses.  Attention: these are all Vandertrampps so pay close attention to HV and les accords!), Study for FINAL EXAM ON WEDNESDAY!
*Have Livre de Grammaire (a place for you to articulate rules/formation/examples of the biggest grammatical concepts of the year) on Monday and earn the right to use a 3x5 notecard on the final exam.  Otherwise it will be due on Tuesday.

PC paragraph criteria:  6 sentences minimum, talk about somewhere you went (aller) and what you did there (other verbs in PC), can be about the same age as imparfait sentences or a different age, use je form and plural form (nous/vous/ils/elles) at least twice!  

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Mercredi 04/06

Today we reviewed the formation of the passé composé in particular with aller and the 17 verbs that go with être, we learned the conjugations of the verb “voir”, and discussed the final exam (which will be next WED!!)

Handouts/Class Materials: Study guide for Final, Review Packet

A Faire:  pg 116 #1

TEC:  pg 128 #3

Devoirs :  Review packet pg 1 (front/back), pg 116 #2 (complete sentences!)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Lundi 02/06

Today we listened to seniors present about their language learning experiences and their plans to use it in the future.

A Faire:  Take notes over senior finals presentations

Handouts/Class Materials:  Imparfait Review Handout

Devoirs Imparfait Review Handout