Friday, April 24, 2015

Jeudi 23/04

We listened to our song, did some brainstorming on the whiteboards for products one can buy at specialty stores in France and some food vocabulary, and did some written work to practice some new vocabulary from pg 150.

A Fairepg 151 #9 (list all the items youre going to buy that you need for each dish given.)

DevoirsPaquet Leçon 9-10 : pg 88 #2 (use new vocabulary to fill in the blanks), livre pg 157 #2, 12 visual dictionaries (image + phrase) for fruits and vegetables :  say 3 things I,WE and Y’ALL WANT to eat (vouloir), 3 things I,WE and Y’ALL CAN eat (pouvoir), 3 things I,WE and Y’ALL SHOULD eat (devoir), 3 of your choice (maybe using like/love/hate/don’t really like).

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Mardi 21/04

Today we did a lot of oral practice describing our own food preferences and the preferences of others.  We also learned how to ask for things to be passed to us at the table.  We spent time going over the verbs vouloir, pouvoir, and devoir, their conjugations and meanings and uses (see pg 156).

A FairePg 157 #3 (use conjugations of devoir to say what people should do in the blue box based on the context sentences given)

TECpg 149 #6 (do orally in partners)

Devoirs :  Paquet Leçon 9-10 : pg 93 #2 (use correct conjugations of vouloir, pouvoir and devoir), pg 89 #5 (3 food items, 1 drink for each, use articles!)  Study new verbs and old verbs!

Lundi 20/04

We listened to our song, practiced some questions around food/meal preferences and ways we help with meals, and learned the verb vouloir.

A Faire:  pg 157 #1 (write the sentences connecting the information on both sides of the slash with a conjugation of vouloir, make sure you understand each sentence by writing an English translation of its meaning next to it.)

Handouts Paquet Leçon 9-10

Devoirs : Paquet Leçon 9-10 : pg 87 #1, pg 88 #3, pg 93 #1

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Jeudi 16/04

We listened to our song, went over the new vocabulary pg 148, did some work on the reading pg 142-143 and went over the test and the retake process.

A FaireQuestions sur le texte pg 142-143

Devoirs 16 visual dictionaries for vocab pgs 142-148 (must have an image and sentence, no English! Be sure to choose things that you need to learn, not words you already know!), study vocab pgs 142-148, pg 149 #8 (write a sentence about each of the people listed saying something they like to eat and something they don’t like to eat using new phrases/vocabulary.  You may choose any six people/pets if the ones listed in the book aren’t relevant to you.)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Mardi 14/04

We worked on some questions and a sample dialogue to practice vocabulary.  We also started a short reading about food shopping in France.

A FairePg 147 #4 (write out both A & B dialogues including the the parts already written and use the vocab pg 146 and your knowledge to fill in the missing information).  Practice out loud in partners

TECRead pgs 142-143, take notes about content and vocabulary

Devoirs :  Finish reading pg 142-143, Study/take notes pg 148, pg 149 #7 (write questions using est-ce que/inversion, write your answers, use ARTICLES—not given!!)

Monday, April 13, 2015

Lundi 13/04

We listened to our song and began using some of our new food vocabulary.  We learned the vocabulary for table settings and meals.

TEC:  Mettre la table (set the table):  draw out place settings and label them on a white paper. (7 items pg 144 + une nappe et un bol, total of 9 items and 9 labels, must color and you may decorate if you like.)  Turn in Mon/Tue!

Devoirs : Review pg 144 vocabulary, study/take notes pg 146, do pg 147 #3 (be polite, imperative! Follow model), finish “mettre la table!”

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Jeudi 09/04

Today we did some review, took the listening portion of the test, and go to know more about the exchange students visiting our class and what life is like in France.

DevoirsStudy/Take notes pg 144, do pg 145 #1 (write complete sentences, choices given or your own), and #2 (write whole sentence and what you need in order to eat each item.)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Mardi 07/04

Today we finished playing Jeopardy and took the writing portion of the test.

Devoirs :  Expression review handout, practice question list, study for listening test on Thursday!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Lundi 06/04

Today we reviewed Mardi Gras/Carnaval and Poisson davril, then played Jeopardy to review for the test.  Test will be in 2 partswriting on Tuesday and listening on Thursday!

Devoirs : Study for TEST tomorrow!!!! (consider reviewing the question list as well as common/regularly used questions in class, places for venir de and faire/avoir/être expressionsthe biggest chunk of vocab you have!!)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Jeudi 02/04

Today we reviewed the question list (for listening), adjectives and "c’est vs. il est" for the test on Tuesday.

A Faire :  Do the Adjective/Profession Review

Devoirs :  Do Venir/Revenir/Devenir and Cest/Il est handout (front and back), STUDY for test and be ready for Jeopardy (review) on Monday!