Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Mardi 08/03

We listened to our new song, practiced vocabulary, went over homework, finished our speaking activity and had time to prepare dialogue presentations for MONDAY!

ObjectifStudents will review weekend activity vocabulary and recent structures.

A Faire:   Paquet #7C--(write in cahier, going to do…use new vocab, write to any friend, complete sentences!)

TEC:  Tête à Tête (partner speaking activity)

Devoirs :  Paquet #1 (doesn’t belong), #7A (use vocab pg 96/100) & #7B (*CAN do! Phrases complètes!)  Study/memorize vocab pgs 96/100 (Quiz before Spring Break!), Practice dialogues (presentations MONDAY for EVERYONE!  You MUST be an attendance Mon or talk to me ahead of time!)