Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Mercredi 13/04

We continued discussing preferences and began discussing how to order and behave appropriately in a restaurant/café setting (getting the servers attention, tipping, etc).  We also heard a presentation from a visiting French student and got to ask questions.  Finally, we prepared our boards for a review game of Loto.

ObjectifStudents will talk about food preferences and learn to order food.

A Faire:  Using this image (Cliquez ici) to write what is missing from the place settings.  Use the structure: Il/Elle n’a pas DE…

TEC:  Prepare Loto board with any of the bolded vocabulary from pg. 148

Devoirs : pg 147 #4 (write entire dialogues filling in missing lines.), study vocab pgs 142-148 (quiz de vocab vendredi!!)