Thursday, May 12, 2016

Mercredi 11/05

We listened to our song, learned some new verbs (sortir, partir, dormir, pg 126) and went over the stem changes in the verbs pg 167.  For the bulk of the class we rotated through various activities that helped students prepare for the oral assessment they will have over the food unit.

ObjectifStudents will review and prepare for oral assessments.

*A Faire: pg 126 #1 (1,3,4, 6,8 only) *This is a station activity, only work on this if you went to this station today in class !

*TEC:  Photocopie : La Nourriture et l’Article Partitif  *This is a station activity, only work on this if you went to this station today in class !

Photocopies:  Photocopie : Devoirs du Partitif/La Nourriture et l’Article Partitif

Devoirs :  Photocopie : Devoirs du Partitif #1 (say what the vegetarian eats SOME of and doesn’t eat ANY of), Finish any classwork from the stations you went to, study and prepare for oral assessments (starting 2nd half of next class and continue next week!)

Oral Assessment of Food Unit:  1)You will set the table while telling me all the things you NEED to do so (I need a spoon, I need a tablecloth, etc…)  2)  You will answer some questions about your preferences (food/meals/cuisines/etc) and food vocabulary (categories of food, i.e. fruits, vegetables, meats, appetizers, things purchased at a boulangerie, etc.)  3) You will participate in a mini-dialogue either at a café with a waiter or at a farmer’s market with the merchant.